WntResearch SEK 56m Capital Raise | Q4 2023

Transaction Information

Capital Raise

SEK 56 million 

November 2023 

Financial Adviser

About WntResearch 

WntResearch is an oncology biotech company that develops new therapies to counteract the development of cancer metastases. The company’s research is focused on studying the endogenous protein WNT5A, which has been shown in scientific studies to affect the ability of tumor cells to move and spread in the body. WntResearch’s drug candidate Foxy-5 is a peptide that mimics the function of WNT5A with the aim of reducing the mobility and spread of cancer cells and thereby preventing metastases from occurring. Although today’s cancer treatment has become more effective, there are no effective ways to prevent the occurrence of metastases that cause about 90 per-cent of all cancer-related deaths. Foxy-5 has a unique mechanism of action and has shown a good safety profile with few side effects in two clinical Phase 1 studies. The safety and efficacy of Foxy-5 is now being evaluated in the ongoing Phase 2 clinical trial NeoFox in patients with stage II-III colon cancer.

Press release

The case

  • Foxy-5 has a unique mechanism of action and has shown a good safety profile with few side effects in two Phase 1 clinical trials. 

  • The safety and efficacy of Foxy-5 are now being evaluated in the ongoing Phase 2 clinical trial NeoFox, in patients with stage II/III colon cancer. In an ad hoc analysis in August 2022 of approximately 100 patients, a reduced tumor burden, so-called down-staging (in primary tumor and regional lymph nodes), was observed in the group that received Foxy-5. Based on these observations, the Company considered that the NeoFox study should not be completed as originally planned, since the study was not intended to study these observations.

  • An update of the NeoFox study plan was initiated in 2022. In July 2023, a revised study plan for the drug candidate Foxy-5 was approved by the Spanish authorities. Enabling the Company to continue to develop Foxy-5 as a potential new treatment for patients affected by colon cancer. In addition to changes in efficacy measures, the changes also mean that patients’ participation in the study will be shortened by almost two years which reduces the cost per patient and makes the study easier to carry out.

  • In the first stage, the Company will follow a limited number of patients to explore the possibilities of treatment at higher doses than those previously studied. This phase is expected to take about six months and will take place in Spain, where the first patient to be treated with an increased dose was recruited at a trial center in Barcelona in October 2023. When the dose is later selected, recruitment of the 80 patients needed to evaluate efficacy in the study will begin, in which clinics in Hungary will also be involved. 

  • WntResearch decided in October 2023 to perform an initial analysis of the data already after 20 patients in the Foxy-5 group and 20 patients in the control group have had their tumor removed. The intention is to evaluate the effect of Foxy-5 and at the same time assess whether the planned number of 80 patients in total is large enough for the study as a whole to demonstrate the desired effect. Final results from the study are expected in 2025.

Website: www.wntresearch.com